The hotel we stayed at was great; 360 acres of water front and golf course. I spent one morning playing 18 holes with Andrew Gibson (one of the teachers at HIS). It was a beautiful course as you can see from the pictures taken from our balcony.
We hung out at the pool a little but didn't want Sadie to get any sun. We went to the sessions; taking turns with Sadie and learned a lot. Our room was on a "club" floor which meant we got to hang out in our special lounge every evening and get free cocktails and finger foods.
The entire trip was great until the flight home. Getting to Shenzen China was no problem but when we tried to check in for our flight to Hangzhou they said the flight was full. Didn't matter that we had bought our tickets two months earlier or that we had a five week old, we were bumped. They walked us to the other terminal and said they could get us on a flight that left 30 minutes after our scheduled flight. Turns out that flight was full as well...they just wanted to tell us something so we quit yelling at them. They finally got us on a flight leaving at 5 pm, two and a half hours later then originally. To make it all better (it didn't) they let us sit in their first class lounge while we waited. The free food and internet was nice but.... we finally board our flight, and then we sit at the gate...and they start serving drinking...while the airplane is still at the gate...then they start serving food...while the airplane is still at the gate. Finally after setting there for 90 minutes they say we are waiting for a storm to clear out of the flight path and we will take off at 7 pm. Amazing enough we actually do take off at 7 pm and arrive in Hangzhou at 8:30, only four hours later then we should have. We'll see if some nasty letters will score us some free airfare.