Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tbilisi- Day One

Tbilisi is a very photogenic city. I had more than 200 photos on the first day. 
We got in early in the morning. Well not that early, around 9 or 10, but  not much opens until noon, so we had a lot of time to wander around. Our room was in an old Georgian home that was sectioned off into apartments. Our hosts were very welcoming (vodka mixed with homemade wine for a pre-breakfast toast) although we didn't speak enough of the same language to communicate very well.
We walked and walked and walked. Up and down and all around. It was a busy first day.


We ended the day in a restaurant next to the bath district where Sadie found a friend with a balloon to play with. Georgians are so open and friendly. We often came home with a handful of the sweet handouts that Sadie received during the day.