Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big News

For those of you who have not heard the news this summer we are expecting our first child this February. We had our second doctors visit last Tuesday and heard the heart beat for the first time. We also had an ultrasound and saw the baby. I can already tell he/she will take after Nina; it is much to cute to take after me. We will be having the baby at the VIP clinic in the local hospital. Our doctors and nurses all speak English and insurance will pay for almost all of it.
Nina is feeling good. No morning sickness yet. She gets tired quicker, and is sleeping more but other than that it has been a great pregnancy so far.
Baby gets half the pot on any pools set up on the birth date or gender of the baby. We'll try to keep everyone updated as we progress through the pregnancy.

1 comment:

jdog said...

Congratulations. Hope all goes well for you.