Friday, December 7, 2012

Sadie's winter concert

I was never able to upload the videos. But I can say first hand that Sadie was a STAR! She knew all the words and had all the moves down and just had fun up there! She was awesome. Santa Claus came at the end of the show. Here is is called DeadMorose, but probably not spelled like that. He went back to their classrooms with them to pass out presents that the parents had pre-provided for the day. Sadie got a tea set. This is her friend Fuka who she loves fiercely. She is very protective of Fuka in a slightly controlling way. She tells us that if the class bully takes Fuka's things, she gets them back for her.

At night, the last thing she said as she was falling asleep "Who was that guy! It wasn't Santa!" And of course she was right. It was the PE teacher. Was it the cowboy boots that tipped her off?

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