Sunday, November 11, 2012

We got a cat!!

 We decided on our fall break that if we found the right cat, or the right cat found us, we would go ahead and adopt it. I didn't want to go out and just buy a cat, but wait for the "universe" to send us one. Our practical neighbor says sarcastically "the universe. really. just go across the street, there's stray cats all over the place." We didn't do that but I did ask Dasha, Sadie's babysitter, if she knew of any cats that needed a home. Our communication is a little iffy sometimes because we don't speak each others language. I told her "we don't want to just buy a cat, we want to help a cat." So the next time I saw her she says "I found you a cat that needs help! It has conjunctivitis and needs a home" What could I do!? So we have a gooey eyed little kitten now that needs eye drops. She is so precious though! So sweet and snuggly. It's so fun to have a little kitty ripping around the house. Sadie cried herself to sleep because the cat wouldn't stay on her bed while she fell asleep! But they had some good snuggle time on the couch.

 I told Sadie that before she was born, we didn't know if we would name her Sadie or Lillianna. She was shocked that we would pick Sadie and not Lillianna and says she's going to change her name when she grows up. So in the meantime, she's lending her name to the cat. Kitty Lillianna.

 Sadie is so good with her, so gentle. She's learning all about the quirks of cats, of which there are many.
Don't pet them backwards.
They stay up at night.
They don't have mealtimes, just eat when they are hungry.
They sometimes bite or scratch if you pet them in the wrong spot. So where is the wrong spot? We don't know, we have to wait until she scratches us.
We'll figure it out.

Sadie wrote her name all by herself for the first time!

1 comment:

mamakani said...

so sweet! how great or Sadie to have a little being to care for: looks like she's way into it~ my favorite photo is the one with the kitten asleep on her arm & her face relaxed into "kitty zone".... she looks sooo grown up already & i have yet to actually meet her! unbelievable!